A gentle stroll along the calm and very picturesque Burgundy Canal in the Auxois region close to Dijon in the heart of the county “Cote d’Or” (the Gold Coast). The weather is exceptionally warm for late October. Busy ladybirds and bees are hunting for pollen on flowers which have blossomed for a second time this year.
Burgundy’s heart of gold
We chose to take a short walk on the towpath from lock house 12 on the river Saône side of the canal to the port of Vandenesse-en-Auxois at lock number 8 and then to return along the opposite side of the canal, which is the new “Velo-route” (cycling track).

This part of the canal is very special, with one of the lock staircases which climbs towards the tunnel at Pouilly-en-Auxois and the incredible view of the medieval castle Chateauneuf-en-Auxois, which sits on top of the hill.

The Auxois region is renowned for its quality Charolais beef and this bull can be proud of his history and family.

A hotel barge called “Propserite” begins its winter rest and will stay in this port until next spring.

The Velo Route allows everybody to get outside to enjoy the waterway and take a deep breath of air.

An easy 50-kilometre ride, almost all of which is downhill except a few bridges over the canal. The castle of Chateauneuf continues to look over the countryside.

On the left, you have the new cycling path and on the right the old tow path which saw its last horse-drawn barge in the 1960’s.

At the end of our stroll, the total time for the walk was 1 hour and 10 minutes.