Really French

Bienvenue to France



...the real country & the places to visits


Rimet Arnay-le-Duc

Arnay-le-Duc and man in his flying machine

Alister Aldridge's new publication takes us back in time, the true events take place in a small market town in the heart of Burgundy. Arnay-le-Duc 1912 In September 1912, the small town of Arnay-le-Duc, in Burgundy, was transformed into a magnificent artificial garden to welcome thousands of visitors. Among them were dozens of senators, members of Parliament, and mayors. The association of 5 agricultural unions organized a series of festivities for 3 days to honour farmers and the rural populations. Dances, concerts, an agricultural fair, gymnastics shows, fireworks, and an award ceremony for the veterans of the Franco-Prussian were on the program. (more…)
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View across Paris

Bonjour 2023

Au revoir 2022 Many people will be glad to see 2022 fade into the background as soon as possible and will be looking towards 2023. (more…)
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Autoroute traffic

French road signs

What do they mean? Do you drive on French roads or autoroutes? Have you noticed road signs with words that don't really mean much to you? Most road signs are iconic and easily understood in any language, but every now and then the French will throw one at you and the meaning is really not very clear. Many of these road signs are temporary (with a yellow background and setup because of unusual circumstances. (more…)
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French market

French markets

Le Marché, the market I love markets, especially food markets! Almost every French town has a market and a market day.  Some are indoor markets using old halls, many are typical outdoor markets with stands. Some are historically famous and date back hundreds of years. (more…)
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French Lessons

The French course is now open. You can test-drive a Free lesson using the button below. Free lesson For the price of 2 coffees and croissants, join the Really French Starter Course. Starter Course
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Tour de France

Top 6 Best Tour de France cyclists

Since the first edition of the Tour de France in 1903, each decade has been almost dominated by one champion. For the general public, the bicycle race Tour de France rhymes with the names of the famous cyclists Christopher Froome, Alberto Contador, Lance Armstrong and Miguel Indurain. Unless you are an aficionado or have been keeping track of the Tour de France for more than three decades, you may not have heard of the six following cyclist stars and champions. (more…)
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5 French historical movies to watch

History is an important source of inspiration in the French movie industry. Many dramas, action movies and comedies take place in a historical setting. This page lists five French history movies worth watching. (more…)
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5 French science fiction writers to read

Except for the connoisseurs, not many people think of science fiction as an important part of French literature. Yet, in the footsteps of Jules Verne, a precursor of modern science fiction, French literature is a den for science fiction. Hundreds of space operas, stories of time travellers and post-apocalyptic worlds hide behind the pens of great French science writers. Here are five highly recommended authors you should try to read. This list is entirely subjective and based on personal preferences: (more…)
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5 French chanson singers

France often prides itself for its large array of singers using French lyrics, this method was supposed to preserve the French culture faced with an increasing influence from American music. (more…)
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5 French books you should read!

Are you looking for French books to read this summer?Either in French or simply from French authors? If you have already read all of classics by Proust, Maupassant and Verne or do not feel ready yet to embark in Hugo’s Les Misérables, Alain Fournier’s Le Grand Meaulnes or Albert Camus’ L’Etranger, here are some non-classic suggestions of lesser-known French books and authors, recent or not. (more…)
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Heritage tourism in Alsace, part II

The small city of Kayserberg is a must-see in the region. Located in the Kayserberg valley between the Vosges and the Alsatian plain, this medieval city with a population of 2,700 inhabitants is typical of the local architecture. (more…)
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Heritage tourism in Alsace, part I

Alsace is a famous region of Eastern France, having been a buffer between France and Germany for several centuries. As such, the region has a lot to offer about historical tourism. Interested in medieval architecture? Alsace abounds castles and old towns. Interested in World War One? Like during the previous war of 1870, France and Germany fought for almost every square kilometer of the land. Interested in the Second World War? It was the theater of bitter fighting between the Allies and Nazi Germany. But Alsace is also famous for its wine and vineyards, for its urban architecture, its vernacular languages, its cultural identity(ies) and its storks. In May 2017,…
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Typical "legal" election billboard

The 2017 French presidential elections

Emmanuel Macron wins and is elected president. He is the youngest ever President of France (39 years old). French citizens will vote to elect the 25th President of the French Republic. The elections take place in two rounds, the 23rd April and the 7th May. (more…)
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The magic of Paris in December

This is December in Paris, so if you're lucky as we were and if perchance the days are sunny, the sky is blue and the air is chilly then take a long stroll in Paris along the banks of the river Seine. We were staying in the 7ème arrondissement, the south bank, rive gauche and a few minutes from the Eiffel tower. (more…)
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Snap shots from the summer.

Getting to know the country of France takes time and requires a long phase of relaxation so that you can enjoy every single moment. Understanding the French is a slow process, the country is vast and diverse, you'll need to travel and talk, exchange ideas and opinions. Within minutes the landscape plunges in altitude, the colours switch and flicker, the temperatures sore and the ambiance warms. (more…)
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La Somme 100 years ago

The Franco-British offensive of the Somme The Somme is to Britain what Verdun is to France. One of the most remembered events of the Great War, and one of the most brutal and catastrophic battles in human history. (more…)
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#Verdun2016 : Fort Douaumont

Fort Douaumont is a symbol of the bloody battle of Verdun that took place from February 1916 to December of the same year during the First World War. A small part of the outside fortifications (more…)
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Visiting the battlefields of Verdun Verdun is a small city in the French North-East. Its location, in a valley close to the Belgian, Luxembourgian and German borders, makes the city an important strategic place. Furthermore, it is one of the passage points to cross the Meuse river. As such, Verdun has throughout history been a battlefield in the numerous conflicts opposing France to its neighbours. (more…)
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5 French TV series and television films you must watch

If French TV productions does not have the magnitude or world impact as its American counterpart, France is able to produce high quality shows for comedy, drama and detective series. Note that the following list is personal and not based on the quality or the public reception. (more…)
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