Antiques from France
A regal for antique lovers, brick'a'brac seekers and junk collectors. All over the country you'll find barns, small shops, fairs and village sales full of antiques, from old oak farm tables, malls, tables to tools, clothes, linen and books.
Dépôt Vente
A Dépôt Vente is a type of "shop" where people leave objects and fix a selling price. The owner of the Dépôt Vente will take a commission after the item is sold.
Vide Grenier
Spring and summer are the best times to visit the local fairs and markets. Many villages will have "Vide greniers" which are "attic" markets, people empty their attics, cellars an barns, put everything on a stand and sell the items. Generally professionals are not allowed to sell, so you can often find good bargains.
Foire Aux Puces
Similar to a Vide Grenier. A fair selling all types of objets.
A brocante is a shop, market or event where items are not yet consideredvto be in a good enough state to qualify as an antique, this can be fore many reasons, such as the item being damaged or not fully restored. Brocantes are often events organized by a local charity or such to raise money.
The "Emmaüs" depots where created by the Abbé Pierre to help homeless people to have a shelter and find work. The charity has opened depots all over France. They collect all objects that people no long want and then sell them from the depots. You'll find everything from clothes to furniture to Bric'a'brac and occasionally the treasure that you're seeking.
Useful French words to know
Antiques, brocante, troc, vide grenier, ventes aux enchers.