Snap shots from the summer.

Getting to know the country of France takes time and requires a long phase of relaxation so that you can enjoy every single moment.
Understanding the French is a slow process, the country is vast and diverse, you’ll need to travel and talk, exchange ideas and opinions.
Within minutes the landscape plunges in altitude, the colours switch and flicker, the temperatures sore and the ambiance warms.
A gentle stroll along the calm and very picturesque Burgundy Canal in the Auxois region close to Dijon in the heart of the county “Cote d’Or” (the Gold Coast). The weather is exceptionally warm for late October. Busy ladybirds and bees are hunting for pollen on flowers which have blossomed for a second time this year.
Continue readingAs you travel from the north to the south and then the east to the west, you’ll rapidly understand that France is a country of many contrasts and changes with every mile that you make.
We decide to drive out for the day and explore near by places and purposely choose to not visit the Burgundy vineyards.
Instead we head in the opposite direction past Sombernon and by chance there is a grand final of the Border Collie Sheep dog competition.
A bike ride along the tow-path on the southern side of the Burgundy Canal, between the village of Sainte Sabine and Veuvey-sur-Ouche.
You know that Burgundy is proud of it’s wines.
However, did you know the about the Charolais cattle farming
A Charolais calf, born on this January, resting in the hay before taking to the greener pastures in March. Continue reading