French Cheese

Cheese from France
French cheese words to know
- Le fromage = Cheese
- Le fromagerie = cheese shop
- Lait cru = non pasteurized milk (cru = raw)
- Lait pasteurisé = pasteurized milk
- Le caillage = the result after applying pressure to the cheeses
- Fromage de vache = cow's milk cheese
- Fromage de chèvre = goat's milk cheese
- Fromage de brebie = ewe's milk cheese
- Fromage blue = Blue cheese
Many regions of France have their own regional cheeses, Normandy for example is very well know for the famous Camembert cheese. There are hundreds of different cheese names and each one has a unique taste and method of fabrication.
Cheese map of France showing the main cheese production towns in France.
Natural skinned cows milk cheese:
Brie de Melun: Normally has a diameter of 24 cm and 3
cm thick. Best all year except in the spring time. It is slightly stronger
than most "Bri" and has a darker yellow look.
Natural skinned goat milk cheese:
Chavignol-Sancerre: This is a real treat, and not to
miss if you visit the Loire region of France. This cheese is traditionally
served hot on toast, if you drink the local white wine from Sancerre,
it's just perfection!
Famous French cheese regions
The Savoie region

The Savoie produces many cheeses such as the Tomme de Savoie, the Reblochon, Abondance and Beaufort.