Brest, France

The Château de Brest

Château de Brest

Map of Bretagne in France

Brest is in the Bretagne region.

Map of Brittany, France

Brest is in the (29) Finistère departement

Brest in Finistère

Map of Brest in the Finistère

About Brest

Brest is in the Finistère department of the Brittany region.

A town with a proud maritime history. From sailing, to military; to cargo ships, the ports such as Porte Oceane opened France to the to the Atlantic ocean and the Americas.

The town is situated near the extreme western limit of Brittany. The bay Rade de Brest protects the town from the ocean waves. There is an important naval base and maritime school.

During the Second World War, the town was destroyed by allied bombings in an attempt to stop the German submarines which were based here.