Maine et Loire departement
Pays-de-la-Loire in France
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The code number for Maine et Loire is 49
History and castles make this a fascinating place to visit.
With the towns of Angers and Saumur, wines, the Loire and coast line, the Maine and Loire has much to offer.
The town of Saumur has a long tradition of with horses and cavalry.
Towns and cities
The city lies on the northern bank s of the river Loire. A multitude of rivers such as the Loire, Mayenne and Sarthe join together before emptying into the river Loire. The old city is listed with UNESCO. The wines of Anjou and Samur offer more than 28 appelations.
Tourism, travel, information
The official web site for the local tourism office. Much inforamtion, news letter, events. A very interesting virtual visit of the major castles between Angers and Saumur.
The tourism office of Saumur
The official site for the town of Saumur, only available in French at the moment. Events, local news and a street plan.