The French Flag

The French Flag is popularly called Le bleu, blanc, rouge, which translate into the blue white and red
, or Le drapeau Tricolore
which means the The Tri-colour flag
During the French revolution in 1789, the Royal families (whose emblem was a white flag), were a fronted by the revolutionaries of Paris, who wore a red and white rossette, the colours of Paris.
After the taking of the Bastille in Paris (14 July 1789), the French king Louis XVI, came to the capital city on the 17th of July 1789, and officially recognised La Garde Nationale (the new national guard), he wore a rosette with the colours, blue, white and red. The white being added by La Fayette, leader of the Garde Nationale.
The 21st of January 1793 king Louis XVI is beheaded.
In February 1794, the three coloured flag became the national emblem of France.
Liberté, egalité et fraternité

The French motto is Liberté, egalité et fraternité
Translates into English Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.
Download the French Flag
Below are various file format of the flag you can download and use in your own projects. The correct CMYK colours have been used with blue (100,92,43,52), white and red (0,95,87,0)
- French Flag PDF version
- French Flag AI version
- French Flag SVG version
- French Flag PNG version
- French Flag JPG version
- French Flag GIF version
Use a "right click" and "save as" to download the file that suits your needs.