Taking a taxi in French
Learn how to order a taxi in French
French phrases and conversations for taking a taxi.
Taxi is pronounced exactly the same way in French as in English.
English | French |
(Client) Hello, can you call
a taxi to the cabaret for me please? |
Bonjour, pouvez vous m'appeler un taxi
pour le cabaret, s'il vous plait? |
Good morning, Lyon station please. |
Bonjour, gare de Lyon, s'il vous plait. |
Taxi please! |
Taxi, s'il vous plait! |
demi = half
gare = station (railway station)
TGV = Train a grande vitesse = HST = High speed train.
le periphérique = the ring road which encircles Paris. It is one huge
traffic jam during the rush hours.
Charles de Gaule (Roissy) is the main Paris international airport, there
is also Orly.