Colours in French
A list of all the French colours with English translations helping you speak, pronounce and spell the words
About the colours
The colour (color), singular = La couleur
The colours (colors), plural = Les couleurs
English | French |
Red | Le Rouge |
Yellow | Le Jaune |
Blue | Le Bleu (m), bleue (f) |
Black | Le Noir (m), noire (f) |
White | Le Blanc (m), Blanche (f) |
Green | Le Vert (m), Verte (f) |
Orange | L'Orange |
Grey | Le Gris (m), grise (f) |
Pink | Le Rose |
Silver | L' Argent (m) |
Gold | L' Or (m) |
Grey (Eng) / gray (USA) | Le Gris (m), Grise (f) |
Brown | Le Marron |
Purple | Le Pourpre |
Violet | Le Violet (m), Violette (f) |
Listen to the colours
Click on the audio play button. Listen to the voice of Jean-Pierre speaking out the names of colours in French, try and repeat each colour after him.
Colours are masculine in French when used as a noun, however when
they are used as an adjective, certain names of colours will change to accord
with the subject whilst others remain invariable.
For example:
Le short est blanc
La chemise est blanche
Le short is masculine and we use "blanc", whilst "La chemise" is feminine and we use "blanche".
Le short est jaune
La chemise est jaune
Here the short and shirt are "jaune", yellow, but jaune is invariable.
Be careful with the spelling of "bleu" for blue, it's very easy to inverse the 'e' and 'u'
Useful French Phrases
Le soleil est jaune.
The sun is yellow.
La mer est bleue.
The sea is blue.
La nuit est noire.
The night is black.
La neige est blanche.
The snow is white.
Le drap est blanc.
The bed linen is white.
L'herbe est verte.
The grass is green.
Mon costume est gris.
My suit is grey.
Ma voiture est couleur argent.
My car is silver colour.
Sa bague est en or.
Her ring is in gold.
Les tournesols sont jaunes.
The sunflowers are yellow.
Le vin est rouge.
The wine is red.
The audio file will soon be available.