Emergencies in French
Words to use in French
French vocabulary for emergencies and accidents
In case of an emergency you should call on of the following telephone numbers for assistance:
- 15 Ambulance (SAMU)
- 17 Police
- 18 Fire brigade
- 112, which is a standard number to use for all emergencies
English | French |
accident | l'accident (m) |
ambulance | l'ambulance (f) |
to injure | blesser |
pile up | le carambolage |
doctor | le docteur |
fire | le feu |
policeman | le gendarme |
nurse | l'infirmier |
pharmacy | la pharmacie |
police | la police |
fireman | le pompier |
emergency exit | le sortie de secours |
Useful French Phrases
Au secours ! : Help !
Appeler les pompiers : Call the fire bridage
Appeler la police : Call the police
Il y a un accident : There is an accident
Il y a le feu : There is a fire
La fille est tombé : The girl has fallen
Le monsieur c'est blessé : the man hurt himself
Il y a une accident de la route : There is a road accident.