The names of fruit in French

A list of words for fruit in French and English to help improve your vocabulary.
Fruit vocabulary
English | French |
Apricot | L'abricot (m) |
Pineapple | L'ananas (m) |
Avocado | L'avocat (m) |
Banana | La banane |
Clementine | La clémentine |
Blackcurrant | Le cassis |
Cherry | La cerise |
Chestnut | La châtaigne |
lemon | Le citron |
Lime | Le citron vert |
Date | La datte |
Fig | La figue |
Strawberry | La fraise |
Raspberry | La framboise |
Passion fruit | Le fruit de la passion |
Guava | La goyave |
Kiwi | Le kiwi |
Kaki | Le kaki |
kumquat | Le kumquat |
blackberry | La mûre |
Mango | La mangue |
Melon | Le melon |
blueberry | La myrtille |
Wallnut, nuts | La noix |
Coconut | La noix de coco |
Orange | L'orange (f) |
Grapefruit | Le pamplemousse |
Papaya | La papaye |
Peache | La pêche |
Pear | La poire |
Apple | La pomme |
Plum | La prune |
Prune | Le pruneau |
Grape | Le raisin |
Useful French Phrases
Elle mange une pomme
She eats an apple
Il achète des bananes
He buys bananas
Les rasins sont blancs
The grapes are white
Les poires sont mures
The pears are ripe
Once you have learnt these words, try the translation exercise.