Vegetables in French
Learning French vocabulary for vegetables
A list of vocabulary and phrases for vegetables (Legumes) in French
English : Vegetables | French : Les Legumes |
Bean | l(e)' haricot |
Cabbage | le chou | Carrot | la carotte |
Courgette (Zucchini) | la courgette |
Garlic | l(e)'ail |
Lettuce | la laitue |
Leek | le poireau |
Onion | l(e)'oignon |
Parsnip | le panais |
Pea | le petit pois |
Pepper | le poivron |
Potatoe | la pomme de terre |
Pumpkin | la citrouille |
Radish | le radis |
Tomatoe | la tomate |
Turnip | le navet |
Useful French Phrases
Il mange une carotte
He eats a carrot
Elle plante des pommes de terre
She plants potatoes
Le chou est vert
The cabbage is green
Il y a beacoup de petits pois
There are many peas
audio file coming soon.