Information about Basse-Normandie

Honfleur in Basse-Normandie

The port of Honfleur in Basse-Normandie

Maps of Lower-Normandy

Map of Lower-Normandy in France

Previously Lower-Normandy

Map of the major towns and cites in Lower-Normandy

Click on the map to zoom

Regional capital : Caen

Departments / Counties of Basse-Normandie

Number Department Capital
14 Calvados Caen
50 Manche Saint-Lô
61 Orne Alençon

Situated in the north west of France on the coast of the English Channel, the coast line offers vast beaches and places to visit such as Mont Saint-Michel.

Agriculture mainly dairy, some fishing and apple. This is the home to Calvados. Coastal tourism. Very low urbanisation and population.

Historical monuments, castles, museums

D Day, 6 June 1944 : One of the best websites that we have listed, much research and information about the Normandy invasion and World War II. Please visit.
American D-Day : Dedicated to young Americans, who fought in Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, and the Pointe du Hoc.

Newspaper, television, radio

Tourism, travel, information

Universities, colleges, schools

Villages, towns, cities

List all the regions of France