Information about Languedoc-Roussillon

Languedoc-Roussillon in Southern France
Maps of Languedoc-Roussillon
Regional capital : Montpellier
Departments / Counties of Languedoc-Roussillon
Number | Department | Capital |
66 | Pyrénées Orientales | Perpignan |
48 | Lozère | Mende |
34 | Hérault | Montpellier |
30 | Gard | Nîmes |
11 | Aude | Carcassonne |
Located in southern France, bordering Spain to the south and the coastline is along Mediterranean sea.
The excellent climate and sandy beaches have made the region a preferred destination for the summer holidays.
The Pyrenees mountains climb high to the south, the plains with coastline bordering the ocean. Mono culture of wine, except Rousillion, fruit. Industrial areas are at Nimes and Montpellier.
In bygone days people is the mainly southern parts of France spoke a dialect of French called the "Langue d'Oc" whilst in the rest of the French lands the people spoke the "langue d'Oui". However even today the difference in accents between the Ocs and Ouis is very distinct.
There is a very turbulent history in this region with the Romans, the Cathars and wars with Spain in 1659.
This is a region with deep traditions and culture, including Bull-fighting and growing rice.
Rugby is a traditional sport and played in all towns and villages, with internationally reputed teams from Narbonne, Montpellier, Carcassonne, Béziers, Perpipgnan...
The flat-lands of the Camargue with still holds a strong gypsy influence, with the famous white horses and black bulls, rice and wines.