Information about Rhône-Alpes

Rhône-Alpes region of France

Rhône-Alpes region of France

Maps of Rhone-Alpes

Map of Rhone-Alpes in France

The old Rhone-Alpes region

Map of the major towns and cites in Rhone-Alpes

Click on the map to zoom

Regional capital : Lyon

Departments / Counties of Rhône-Alpes

Number Department Capital
1 Ain Bourg en Bresse
7 Ardèche Privas
26 Drôme Valence
38 Isère Grenoble
42 Loire Saint Etienne
69 Rhône Lyon
73 Savoie Chambèry
74 Haute Savoie Annecy

The Rhone Alpes is a vast and varied region. With the high mountain regions to the east which have borders with Switzerland and Italy, the river Rhone valley in the centre and the hills of the Ardeche to the west.

The Alps are well known for skiing but also offer destinations for the summer with the rivers and lakes.

There is heavy industry along the banks of the Rhone river which flows north to south and then into the Mediterranean sea.

You will also find some of the finest wine growing regions with the Beaujolais and of course the famous Côte du Rhone.

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