Guy Môquet's letter

The last letter by Guy Môquet

This text is part of a translation exercise. Please compare your French translation to our version.

English translation

My darling little Mummy,

my adored little brother,

my much loved Daddy.

I am going to die!

What I ask of you, especially you Mummy, is to be brave. I am, and I want to be, as brave as all those who have gone before me.

Of course, I would have preferred to live. But what I wish with all my heart is that my death serves a purpose. I didn't have time to embrace Jean. I embraced my two brothers Roger and Rino*.

As for my real brother, I cannot embrace him, alas! I hope all my clothes will be sent back to you, they might be of use to Serge, I trust he will be proud to wear them one day.

To you, my Daddy to whom I have given many worries, as well as to my Mummy, I say goodbye for the last time. Know that I did my best to follow the path that you paved for me.

A last farewell to all my friends, to my brother whom I love very much. May he study hard to become a man later on.

Seventeen and a half years!

My life has been short.

I have no regrets, if only that of leaving you all.

I am going to die with Tintin, Michels.

Mummy, what I ask you, what I want you to promise me, is to be brave and to overcome your sorrow. I cannot write any more.

I am leaving you all, Mummy, Serge, Daddy, I embrace you with all my child's heart.


Your Guy who loves you.

Last thought : "All of you who remain, be proud of us, the 27 who will die!"

*Guy is refereing to brother members of the resistance